sexta-feira, 12 de julho de 2013

Resenha do livro "Eye to the Infinite"

Eye to the Infinite [BOOK REVIEW]

Title: Eye to the Infinite; A Practical Guide to Torah Meditation, How to Increase Divine Awareness
Author: Aharon Rubin
Published by:
Jewish Meditation
Manufactured: Israel
Language: English
Format: Printed or E-book
277 pages
Official Website:

This is a compendium of meditations and techniques, very well detailed and based on the teachings of the masters of Kabbalah and Jewish theology such as: Arizal, holy Zohar, Rabbi Avrohom Abulafia, Tanya, Rabbi Moshe Cordovero, Chumash, Rabbi Chaim Vidal and many other great Sages and holy books.

The author explains on twenty chapters about medita­tion exer­cises of ancient texts of Kabbalah, contemplative traditions –– a true spiritual guide. After Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan’s “Jewish Meditation”, Aharon Rubin realized a great achievement; we are presented with this theme of Torah and Mitzvos, utilizing two sources to betterment in practice of meditation. He has mentioned 13 Jewish meditations, they are serious Kabbalistic meditations, but it is well explained and detailed to facilitate those with less knowledge about these methods.

The reader is provided with a system step by step, instructions and techniques divided into four sections. First one is entitled “The soul”; concerning the soul’s source, the inner self and connection with Jewish meditation. Second section is entitled “Introducing Jewish meditation”; basically, you will get an idea about the theory, power and effects on the Upper worlds. The third section is entitled “From theory to practice”; direct instruction on how to meditate, translation taken from tzaddikim’s sefer. The fourth section is entitled “Meditations”; Exercises and visualizations based on Kabbalistic teachings.

There are references in this book to Mitsvos for Jews as well as gentiles (Noahides). It is necessary to learn good deeds influenced by Rabbis and how use the speech in the positive way to enter in devekut with G-d and meditation. These cases are argued in the pages of this book.

Also, Aharon Rubin classifies points when the student is doing the meditation correctly, so one can know you're on the right track.

The simpler way is explored here. Prayer power! Yet, this is most powerful form of meditation and through the study of this book; a new vision to pray and meditate only begins with deep study and discipline. The author pointed many methods used for the sages and we can to use them to search a high state of Awareness.

Reviewed by: Gilson Rodrigues de Arruda.

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