sábado, 21 de maio de 2011

The Great Maggid

Rabbi DovBer of Mezritch

Baal Shem Tov – He encouraged simpletons and taught them that their sole obligation was to serve their Maker to the best of their abilities, emphasizing those qualities accessible to all, like unshakeable faith in G-d’s; sincere prayer; joyous optimism; an implicit belief in Divine Providence relating to every particular. Page 23

Book: The Great Maggid - Rabbi DovBer of Mezritch
Published by Kehot Publications

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quinta-feira, 12 de maio de 2011

Visite o novo blog UMA RUPTURA SANTA

Este blog é para as pessoas com fé e aqueles que gostariam de ter alguma. Juntos, podemos tentar ver que D-us está conosco sempre e em toda parte.


quarta-feira, 11 de maio de 2011

Tehillim, Psalms

Tanach - Tehillim

Of all the mighty wonders which God created, the greatest wonder is man. For man is nothing less than a microcosm, a miniature world, composed of all the elements found in the entirety of creation.
Tehillim, Psalms volume 1

Rabbi Judah the Price said “Which is the straight path, which a man should choose for himself? He should love rebuke! For when there is rebuke in the world, God is pleased with the world. Godness and blessing then come to the world and evil departs (Tamid 28a)
Tehillim, Psalms volume 1

Book: Tehillim, Psalms
Publisher: Artscroll Mesorah

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quinta-feira, 5 de maio de 2011

Through Fire and Water – BRESLOVER CHASSIDIM


A little is also good

One of the most important lessons Rebbe Nachman taught Reb Noson was that “a little is also good” – one should grab it and be content with it. When one knows one will be faced with interruptions, one should break one’s study program into shorter, more manageable sessions. This advice helped Reb Noson become an even better student than he already was. Even when he encountered disturbances, he knew that every single bit goes a long way.  “A little is also good.” He would study that little bit…and then more…and more… “And so I climbed out of my despair and became diligent and productive in learning.”

Book: The Life of Reb Noson of Breslov – Through Fire and Water
Published by Breslov Research Institute

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domingo, 1 de maio de 2011

The Uniqueness of each Soul – MUSSAR

The Two Branches of Wisdom

The various bodies of wisdom and branches of science can be divided into two general categories: that which is a product of in-depth study (henceforth referred to as “the theoretical”) and that which is a function of practical training and experience (henceforth referred to as “the practical”). Those bodies of wisdom that are based on the study of paradigms and proofs belong in the theoretical category. On the other hand, those that are based on [the wisdom of] accurate approximation [i.e., application] fall under the rubric of the practical. Theoretical wisdom is not dependent upon age, for, as Chazal tell us (Avos 4:26), “There is a new jug with old wine.” Indeed, we see that a sharp-minded youth has much more cognitive ability than an elderly person whose knowledge and understanding is feeble. Practical knowledge, however, is acquired with the passage of time and is established with old age. Now, “understanding” (an aspect of wisdom) is a function of accurate approximation [i.e., application of what is known in the practical sphere]. Therefore, the verse states, “In the aged there is wisdom, and [in] length of days understanding.”

Book: OHR Yisrael
The classic writings of Rav Yisrael Salanter
Published by Targum Press, Inc.

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